Gemstone Blocks (Avalon)

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Gemstone Blocks
  • Gemstone Blocks (Avalon).gif
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Dimensions1 × 1
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Research100 required
"Gemstone" redirects here. For gem types in general, see Gems.

Gemstone Blocks are types of blocks which are naturally generated in the Underground and Cavern layers. When mined, they drop one of their respective gems. They can be mined by any pickaxe or drill, or destroyed by explosives.

They can also be crafted at a Heavy Work Bench in the Graveyard Mini-Biome.


Gem Appearance
Avalon/Tourmaline Stone BlockTourmaline Tourmaline (placed) (Avalon).png
Avalon/Peridot Stone BlockPeridot Peridot (placed) (Avalon).png
Avalon/Zircon Stone BlockZircon Zircon (placed) (Avalon).png