Potions (Avalon)

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Stamina Potion (Avalon).png Recovery potions

These potions restore health, mana, or stamina.

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Durian (Avalon).png Food and drink potions

Main article: Avalon/Food

Consuming foods will grant the Well Fed, Plenty Satisfied, or Exquisitely Stuffed buff.

Fury Potion (Avalon).png Buff potions

See also: Avalon/Buffs

These grant the character a temporary, usually short-lived buff when consumed. They are crafted at a Placed Bottle or an Alchemy Table. Pressing the Quick Buff key will consume one of each of the player's buff potions in their inventory.

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Flask of Pathogen (Avalon).png Flasks

These grant the character a temporary melee and whips-specific buff when consumed. Only one flask buff can be active at a time. Crafted at an Imbuing Station.

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Immortality Potion (Avalon).png Other potions

These are potions that do not fit in the other categories.

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