Plantera (Bosses As NPCs)

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Plantera (Bosses As NPCs).png
Map Icon Plantera (Bosses As NPCs).png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive
Max Life3000
KB Resist50%
Immune toConfusedPoisoned
Creates Projectile
  • Double Eighth Note
    Double Eighth Note (Bosses As NPCs).png
This is for the "Plantera" Town NPC from the mod "Bosses As NPCs". For the vanilla Terraria boss, see here.

Plantera is an NPC vendor that will spawn once the following criteria have been met:

Plantera will defend herself against nearby enemies by shooting homing music notes from her The Axe.

Items Sold

Shop 1

Item Cost Availability

Temple KeyTemple Key 50 Always
Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher 50
70000 / 0.14
Venus MagnumVenus Magnum 357143
50000 / 0.14
Nettle BurstNettle Burst 285714
40000 / 0.14
Leaf BlowerLeaf Blower 428571
60000 / 0.14
Flower PowFlower Pow 428571
60000 / 0.14
Wasp GunWasp Gun 714285
100000 / 0.14
SeedlerSeedler 714285
100000 / 0.14
Pygmy StaffPygmy Staff 28
70000 / 0.25
Thorn HookThorn Hook 60
60000 / 0.1
The AxeThe Axe 5
100000 / 0.02
SeedlingSeedling 40
20000 / 0.05
Plantera MaskPlantera Mask 53571
7500 / 0.14
Plantera TrophyPlantera Trophy 10
10000 / 0.1
Spore SacSpore Sac 20 In Expert Mode worlds
Plantera SeedlingPlantera Seedling 20
50000 / 0.25
In Master Mode worlds
Plantera RelicPlantera Relic 5 In Master Mode worlds
Music Box (Plantera)Music Box (Plantera) 20 If the Wizard has been rescued
Otherworldly Music Box (Plantera)Otherworldly Music Box (Plantera) 20 If the Wizard has been rescued and in the Drunk World
or the player has the Otherworldly music unlocked
Jungle Grass SeedsJungle Grass Seeds 150 Always
Bosses As NPCs/Plantera Costume BodypiecePlantera Costume Bodypiece 5 Always
Bosses As NPCs/Plantera Costume LegpiecePlantera Costume Legpiece 5 Always
Bosses As NPCs/Plantera Costume BackpiecePlantera Costume Backpiece 5 Always
Any PylonAny Pylon 10 When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

Shop 2

Item Cost Availability

Fargo's Mod/Plantera's FruitPlantera's Fruit(Fargo's Mod) 50 If Fargo's Mutant Mod is enabled
Plantera (Lore)Plantera (Lore) 1 If Calamity Mod is enabled
Living ShardLiving Shard 4 If Calamity Mod is enabled
Bloom StoneBloom Stone 3840 If Calamity Mod is enabled
Blossom FluxBlossom Flux 96 If Calamity Mod is enabled
Fargo's Mod/The DicerThe Dicer(Fargo's Mod) 1 If Fargo's Souls Mod is enabled
Fargo's Mod/Magical BulbMagical Bulb(Fargo's Mod) 30 If Fargo's Souls Mod is enabled and Eternity Mode is enabled
AmuletOfManyMinions/Potted Pal ItemPotted Pal Item(AmuletOfManyMinions) 113636 If The Amulet of Many Minions is enabled
Qwerty's Bosses and Items/Vitallum Core (Uncharged)Vitallum Core (Uncharged)(Qwerty's Bosses and Items) 1 If Qwerty's Bosses and Items 2 is enabled
Orchid Mod/Bulb ScepterBulb Scepter(Orchid Mod) 151515 If Orchid Mod is enabled
Orchid Mod/Floral StingerFloral Stinger(Orchid Mod) 151515 If Orchid Mod is enabled
Polarities Mod/Jungle's RageJungle's Rage(Polarities Mod) 20 If Polarities Mod is enabled
Polarities Mod/Unfolding BlossomUnfolding Blossom(Polarities Mod) 18750 If Polarities Mod is enabled
Bloom WeaveBloom Weave 350 If Thorium Mod is enabled
Bud BombBud Bomb 50 If Thorium Mod is enabled
Vuvuzela RedVuvuzela Red 20 If Thorium Mod is enabled
Vuvuzela GreenVuvuzela Green 20 If Thorium Mod is enabled
Vuvuzela YellowVuvuzela Yellow 20 If Thorium Mod is enabled
Vuvuzela BlueVuvuzela Blue 20 If Thorium Mod is enabled
Verdant OrnamentVerdant Ornament 10 If Thorium Mod is enabled
The Stars Above/Overgrown PrismOvergrown Prism(The Stars Above) 5 If The Stars Above is enabled

Living preference

DislikesGraveyardGraveyardDye TraderDye Trader
HatesSnow biomeSnow biomen/a

For more information, see NPC happiness.

Other Town NPCs' Opinions

For more information about the vanilla Town NPCs' Happiness, see here.

Plantera Others' Opinion of Plantera
Loved by
Liked by
Disliked by n/a
Hated by n/a


Interaction Quotes

  • The jungle is my home! I get a little angry when I leave it.
  • Why don't you stop and smell the roses?
  • I'm very protective of my bulbs, please don't disturb them.
  • Sorry if I seem snappy... get it?
  • I grow restless... for you to buy something!

While in a Graveyard

  • This eerie place makes me feel like I'm going to wilt!

If the Empress of Light NPC, Golem NPC, and Lunatic Cultist NPC are not present and Moon Lord has not been defeated

  • I was thinking of starting a band...

If the Empress of Light NPC, Golem NPC, and Lunatic Cultist NPC are not present, Moon Lord has not been defeated, and during a Party

  • This party needs a musical performance of some sort!
    • This quote is 2 times as common

If the Empress of Light NPC and Golem NPC are present, the Lunatic Cultist NPC is not present, and Moon Lord has not been defeated

  • I'm starting a metal band with the Empress of Light! We are trying to get Golem to be our drummer.

If the Empress of Light NPC and Golem NPC are present, the Lunatic Cultist NPC is not present, Moon Lord has not been defeated, and during a Party

  • My band should play at one these parties in the future...
    • This quote is 2 times as common

If the Empress of Light NPC, Golem NPC, and the Lunatic Cultist NPC are present and Moon Lord has not been defeated

  • The Empress of Light, Golem, Lunatic Cultist, and I are recording our first album! Lunatic Cultist's mysterious voice is perfect for our songs.

If the Empress of Light NPC, Golem NPC, and the Lunatic Cultist NPC are present, Moon Lord has not been defeated, and during a Party

  • I'm trying to get the other villagers to let me host a concert for the next party.
    • This quote is 2 times as common

If the Empress of Light NPC, Golem NPC, and the Lunatic Cultist NPC are present and Moon Lord has been defeated

  • The Empress of Light, Golem, Lunatic Cultist, and I finished out first album! You should check it out!

If the Empress of Light NPC, Golem NPC, and the Lunatic Cultist NPC are present, Moon Lord has been defeated, and during a Party

  • My metal band is playing at tonight's concert! I can't wait to see you there!
    • This quote is 2 times as common

If the player has the Plantero pet active

  • Look at that little Plantero go!