Overgrown Prism (The Stars Above)

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Overgrown Prism
  • Overgrown Prism item sprite
TooltipTier 2 Stellar Prism
Affix to a Stellar Nova to gain the following ability:
Uncontrollable Growth
Upon cast of the Stellar Nova, gain 100 HP and Wrath for 20 seconds
However, inflict yourself with Vulnerable for the same duration, halving defense.
RarityRarity level: 10
 Obtained from

The Overgrown Prism is a Tier 2 Stellar Prism dropped by Plantera.

When equipped to a Stellar Nova, the player gains 100 HP and the Wrath buff for 20 seconds, but also halving your defense for the same duration when the Stellar Nova is activated.

It drops from Plantera with a 1/4 (25%) chance.


  • Like all Stellar Prisms, the effect of the Overgrown Prism doesn't stack with itself when duplicates are equipped in the Stellar Nova menu.