Forbidden Bullet (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Forbidden Bullet
  • Forbidden Bullet item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Damage12 (Ranged)
Knockback0 (No knockback)
TooltipCreates a small cloud of forbidden dust on tile impact
Inflicts DebuffStorm's Additions Mod/Forbidden BurnForbidden Burn
Debuff duration5 seconds
RarityRarity level: 5
Forbidden Bullets leaving behind small clouds of dust

Forbidden Bullets are a hardmode bullet crafted from Forbidden Bars. They leave behind a small dust cloud upon impact with tiles that can hit enemies up to 3 times and inflicts the Forbidden Burn debuff.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Forbidden BulletForbidden Bullet (100)
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil


  • The dust deals half the damage of the bullet and does not deal any knockback.
  • The dust deals 20% less damage each time it hits.