Plasmilegion (Catalyst)

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  • Plasmilegion item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage1050 (Ranged)
Knockback8 (Very strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time9 (Very fast)
TooltipIonizes gel into pure plasma

Left Click to charge a powerful beam of energy, but risk overheating
Right Click to shoot fireballs, without overheating
Uses gel for ammo

40% chance to not consume ammo
Inflicts DebuffMiracle BlightMiracle Blight
Debuff duration4 seconds (fire & fireballs)
RarityRarity color violet (Calamity's Vanities).png
 Obtained from

Plasmilegion is a Post-Moon Lord Flamethrower that drops from Draedon himself or the Exo Mechs Treasure Bag. When used, it fires a stream of blue flames that condenses into a 187 tile long laser beam after 3 seconds. If the laser is channeled for over 13.33 seconds, the flamethrower overheats, the laser disappears, and is replaced by a rapid barrage of fireballs until the player stops firing the weapon. Right clicking fires the fireballs without the overheating process.

Its best modifier is Unreal.


  • The weapon's primary fire is based on Shin Godzilla's atomic breath, which starts as smoke, then turns into fire, then into a laser beam.