Catharsis (Catalyst)

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  • Catharsis item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage220 (Summon)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipSwinging the whip costs health

Hitting enemies stores a blood charge. Up to 15 charges may be stored
Right Clicking activates the charges, temporarily empowering Catharsis and restoring the health lost
The purifying light, forsaken and consumed by pain,

Returned to this realm as obliterating shadow.
Grants BuffBurning Blood (Catalyst)Burning Blood (Catalyst)
Buff tooltipBlood for blood...
Grants BuffSanguine Mastery (Catalyst)Sanguine Mastery (Catalyst)
Buff tooltipFrom blood, power...
Inflicts DebuffBrimstone FlamesBrimstone Flames
Debuff duration4 seconds (levels 1 & 2)
Inflicts DebuffVulnerability HexVulnerability Hex
Debuff duration4 seconds (level 3)
RarityRarity color violet (Calamity's Vanities).png

Catharsis is a Post-Moon Lord Whip obtained by exhuming the Kaleidoscope. It normally acts like a traditional whip, consuming 15 health per use and inflicting Brimstone Flames. Each use also grants the player one blood charge if it hits, with a maximum capacity of 20 blood charges being available. The player can only gain blood charge once every 0.5 seconds.

If the player Right Clicks while holding Catharsis, their stored Blood Charges are consumed to temporarily empower the whip. While empowered, Catharsis will no longer consume health on use and cannot gain Blood Charge. The empowerment varies in level based on Blood Charge consumed, with 1-6 being level 1, 7-14 being level 2, and 15-20 being level 3. This lasts 1 second per Blood Charge consumed.

When empowered to level 1 or 2, Catharsis grants the player Burning Blood for the duration of the empowerment, which increases the player's life regen by 1.5hp/s and summon damage by 2.5% per Blood Charge consumed. At level 3 empowerment, Catharsis inflicts Vulnerability Hex instead of Brimstone Flames, and grants the player Sanguine Mastery for its duration, increasing the player's life regen by 1.875hp/s and summon damage by 2% per Blood Charge consumed. Switching to a different item during an empowerment will instantly end both buffs, though the empowerment itself persists.

Its best modifier is Ruthless, as Legendary increases its attack speed past the Blood Charge gaining cooldown, causing it to only gain one charge every 2 swings. Due to attack angle differences, modifiers that decrease attack speed such as Bulky may even increase its consistency in practice.


  • The item's flavor text references how the player sacrificed the purity of the Kaleidoscope for power.
  • If the player dies from the self damage of Catharsis, the death message "<PlayerName> was overtaken by their grief" will display.
  • Catharsis will also change visually depending on its empowerment level. At level 1, it gains a faint red glow. At level 2, the player flings waves of of dark red energy instead. At level 3, the energy becomes much brighter. Despite this, its damage remains unchanged outside of the summon damage buffs it grants the player.
  • The total healing from Catharsis' empowerments scales exponentially based on Blood Charge consumed. Consuming 20 Blood Charge will heal the player for a total of 750 health over 20 seconds, much more than the 300 health cost to gain the charge.
    • This does not take into consideration Calamity's nerfs to life regen. In practice, the total healing may be much less. Though since Blood Charge itself persists even when the player switches to a different weapon, pre-charging it to use for healing in boss fights may be viable.