Blossom's Blessing (Catalyst)

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Blossom's Blessing
  • Blossom's Blessing item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage255 (Summon)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Use time34 (Slow)
TooltipCarries blossoms upon the wind
Touch the largest petal to receive a blessing to regeneration, damage, and thorns
'It blooms, it blooms, it withers and droops.'
Your summons will focus struck enemies
Grants BuffBlessed Blossums (Catalyst)Blessed Blossums (Catalyst)
Buff duration10 seconds (buff leaf)
Buff tooltipBlessed with powerful thorns and regeneration
RarityRarity color turquoise (Calamity's Vanities).png
Creates Projectile
  • Drifting Leaf (Catalyst)
    Drifting Leaf (Catalyst).png
Creates Projectile
  • Buff Leaf (Catalyst)
    Buff Leaf (Catalyst).png

Blossom's Blessing is a craftable Post-Moon Lord Whip. When enemies tagged by the whip are hit by minions, 20-24 small leaves slowly drift across the screen which each deal 350 summon damage, along with a larger leaf that deals 250 damage. This effect has a 5 second cooldown, and both types of leaves are unaffected by damage bonuses. When the player touches the larger leaf, they receive the Blessed Blossoms buff which increases life regeneration by 2.5hp/s, summon damage by 15%, and gives the player a Thorns effect.

Its best modifier is Legendary.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Catalyst/Blossom's BlessingBlossom's BlessingAncient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
total: 1 row(s)


  • This weapon's tooltip is a reference to the song Red Dahlia by Mili.