Ultros Boss (Final Fantasy Distant Memories)

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Ultros Boss (Final Fantasy Distant Memories).png
Ultros Icon (Final Fantasy Distant Memories).png
Map Icon
AI TypeUltros AI
Damage17 / 34 / 51
Max Life3000 / 6000 / 9000
KB Resist100%
Immune toDarknessConfusedSilenced

No one knows where he came from, or how he's able to speak English. He does, however, provide excellent comic relief!

BestiaryBestiary (Ultros)

Not to be confused with Ultros the 2nd.

Ultros is a pre-hardmode boss. It is intended to be fought after Fat Chocobo, but before Eye of Cthulhu.[1]


Ultros can be summoned by using Ultros's Letter. It must be used in the Ocean otherwise the boss will not spawn.


Ultros has 4 attacks:

  • Grab Attack: Ultros will shoot a single tentacle in the direction on the player. If the player is hit they will be picked up by the tentacle and dragged a short distance across the screen. Under its grasp the player is unable to move. The tentacle projectile inflicts Slow on the player for 5 seconds. When Ultros is below 50% hp it will shoot 3 tentacles instead of 1.
  • Tentacle Slap: Ultros will summon a series of tentacles that will move back and forth around the player.
  • Spray Ink: Ultros will shoot out a barrage of ink projectiles. The ink blotches inflict Darkness on the player for 5 seconds.
  • Counter: When Ultros is hit he will counter by shooting a spinning tentacle towards the player.

When Ultros is below 50% of it's maximum hp (1,500 / 3,000 / 4,500) it will begin moving and attacking more quickly. He also changes his attacks in the following ways:

  • Grab Attack: Shoots 3 tentacles instead of 1.
  • Tentacle Slap: Summons more tentacles.
  • Counter: Summons 4 tentacles that spin outward in a circle.

The speed and frequency of its attacks also depends on the world Difficulty.

Elemental Stats

  • Fire
  • Bolt
Immune n/a
Absorb n/a

For more information see the Elemental System.


  • The first time Ultros uses his tentacle grab attack the pop up message: "Delicious Morsel!" will appear.
  • If Ultros is hit with fire damage he responds with the pop up message: "Yeeeouch!"
  • While the boss needs to be summoned in the Ocean the fight can take place anywhere, and he does not enrage outside of the biome. This means the player can go into a different biome once the fight starts and the fight will continue as normal.
  • If the player is too far away Ultros will teleport to the players location.
  • If all players are dead Ultros will despawn itself with the status message: "Ultros: Uwee hee hee... I'll see you again soon!"


  • Ultros's tentacle projectiles are not that tall and can be avoided by jumping over them.
  • Take advantage of his weakness to Fire and Bolt.



  1. Information taken from DoBossChecklistIntegration() in FF6World.cs