Elemental System (Final Fantasy Distant Memories)

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Final Fantasy Distant Memories has an elemental system which affects the items, weapons, and enemies not only from the mod, but also from the Vanilla game.

This system can be disabled or enabled at any time from in game, within the mod Configuration options.

There are 9 different elements:

  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Fire TagFire
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Ice TagIce
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Bolt TagBolt
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Water TagWater
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Earth TagEarth
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Wind TagWind
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Holy TagHoly
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Dark TagDark
  • Final Fantasy Distant Memories/Poison TagPoison

There is also an additional type of damage called Prism damage.

Lists of items, armor, NPCs and projectiles


For the 9 standard elements, any weapon in the game can have 1 or more elements, or none, in which case it is neutral and none of the following applies to it. When hitting an NPC, the game determines if the NPC is either weak to an element, resistant to it, immune to it, or can absorb that element's damage. Then the damage is updated. The calculations work as follows:

1. Can the enemy absorb the element of the attack?

  • If yes, heal the enemy and there are no further calculations.
  • If no, continue to immunities.

2. Is the enemy immune to an element of the attack?

  • If yes, the enemy takes only 1 damage and there are no further calculations.
  • If no, apply weaknesses and resistances.

3. Is the enemy weak to an element of the attack?

  • If yes, the enemy takes an additional 50% damage per weakness. Example: A 20 damage hit that has 2 elements the NPC is weak to will end up dealing 45 damage. Calculated as: 20 + (20 * 1.5) = 30 total. For the 2nd weakness, 30 + (30 * 1.5) = 45 total.

4. Is the enemy resistant to an element of the attack?

  • If yes, the enemy takes 60% of the normal damage. Example: A 20 damage hit would become a 12 damage hit with 1 element resisted. With a 2nd element resisted, it would be 7 damage (rounded). Calculated as: 20 * 0.6 = 12. For the 2nd resistance, 12 * 0.6 = 7.2, rounded to 7.

Player calculations

The same type of logic applies to the player, however the weaknesses and resistances are different. If a player is weak to an element, they take 30% more damage. If a player is resistant, they take 66% of the damage. Immunities and absorption work the same way as above for NPCs.

Prism damage

Prism damage is not considered it's own element, but it affects all elemental weakness and resistance. Prism damage completely ignores all Immunity and Absorption.

Prism damage will deal an additional 15% damage for each weakness that an NPC has, and damage will be reduced by 5% for each resistance an enemy has.

Example: NPC with 2 weaknesses and 1 resistance. A 20 damage hit would end up doing 25 damage. Calculated as: 20 * 1.15 = 23, for the 2nd weakness 23 * 1.15 = 26.45, then for the resistance 26.45 * 0.95 = 25.12 (rounded to 25).