Playing Card - Glowing Mushroom (Orchid Mod)

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Playing Card - Glowing Mushroom
  • Playing Card - Glowing Mushroom item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage24 (Gambling)
Knockback2 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipThrows bouncy mushrooms, exploding on second contact
The projectile cannot deal damage before bouncing once
Chances to summon a fungi, replicating the attack
RarityRarity level: 1
Buy / Sell50 / 10

Playing Card - Glowing Mushroom is a Pre-Hardmode Playing Card that requires 2 cards in your deck to use. It can be bought from the Croupier when spoken to in a Glowing Mushroom biome.

Upon use, it will throw a mushroom that is affected by gravity and initially cannot deal damage. It can start dealing damage after bouncing once, after then will be able to hit once. When the projectile is destroyed, there is a chance to spawn a stationary fungus that lasts for 10 seconds and shoots in a similar manner when the player uses a Gambler weapon.