Lucky Sprout (Orchid Mod)

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Lucky Sprout
  • Lucky Sprout item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipIncreases the chance for gambler 'biome' cards to spawn seeds
RarityRarity level: 1
Buy / Sell2 / 40

The Lucky Sprout is a Pre-Hardmode accessory that's sold by the Croupier if the player has 3 or more Playing Cards of the Biome set in their deck.

When equipped, Playing Cards of the Biome set will have increases chance to spawn respective seeds.


  • This accessory serves extremely well in early up to the middle parts of Pre-Hardmode, due to the abundance of Playing Cards of the Biome set available around those points, making cards like Jungle and Hell great choices even up until late Pre-Hardmode when paired with the accessory.