Intergelactic armor (Catalyst)

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Intergelactic armor
  • Intergelactic armor equipped
Set BonusSurrounds you with two rings of asteroids whose damages scale with your stats

Hardhat: Surrounds you with four rings of asteroids whose damages scale with your stats
Grants immunity to knockback and multiple movement debuffs
Your weapons inflict the astral blight

Visor: Ranged weapons summon stars for 30% damage
Your weapons inflict the astral blight

Mask: Magic critical strikes cause stars to burst from hit enemies
20% decreased mana consumption
Increases mana recieved from potions by 100
Your weapons inflict the astral blight

Horned Helmet: Increases max minions by 4
Minions have a 6% chance to crit
Minions launch collected asteroids at enemies
Your minions and weapons inflict astral blight

Headgear: Stealth strikes will release the asteroid belt to target enemies
Your weapons inflict the astral blight
Grants BuffCatalyst/Asteroid BarrierAsteroid Barrier
Buff durationInfinite
Buff tooltipA field of orbiting asteroids protect you
Inflicts DebuffCatalyst/Astral BlightAstral Blight
Debuff duration6 seconds (projectiles)
Debuff tooltipYour flesh is boiling
RarityRarity color Crystal (Catalyst).gif
Sell90 (set)
Creates Projectile
  • Intergelactic Asteroid (Catalyst)
    Intergelactic Asteroid (Catalyst).png

Intergelactic armor is a craftable hardmode Armor set. It requires 25 Metanova Bars to make a set utilizing one headpiece; it requires 64 Metanova Bars to make a set including all of the headpieces.

It consists of the Intergelactic Breastplate and Intergelactic Greaves, as well has having five different headpieces suited to each class, being: the Intergelactic HardhatIntergelactic VisorIntergelactic MaskIntergelactic Horned Helmet, and Intergelactic Headgear. All helmets share a set bonus, but also provide set bonuses specific to their respective class as well.

The Intergelactic Breastplate provides 40 defense, 10% damage reduction, and immunity to Astral Infection, Armor Crunch, Withered Armor and Broken Armor.

Intergelactic Greaves provide 36 defense, 8% damage reduction, 20% movement speed, 200% jump speed, and 10 extra blocks before taking fall damage.

The set's headpieces provide the following effects:

  • The Intergelactic Hardhat gives 32 defense, 10% damage reduction, 22% melee damage, 22% melee critical strike chance, 10% movement speed and 10% melee speed.
  • The Intergelactic Visor gives 28 defense, 4% damage reduction, 16% ranged damage and 16% ranged critical strike chance.
  • The Intergelactic Mask gives 28 defense, 4% damage reduction, 15% magic damage, 15% magic critical strike chance and +100 mana.
  • The Intergelactic Horned Helmet gives 5 defense and 4% damage reduction.
  • The Intergelactic Headgear gives 25 defense, 22% rogue damage and 22% rogue critical strike chance.

Set Bonuses

Regardless of the headpiece chosen, equipping a full set of Intergelactic armor provides the following set bonuses:

  • Grants the wearer the Asteroid Barrier buff, which summons two (four with MELEE) asteroid belts to orbit the player which damage enemies that come in contact with them. These rocks deal 120 * the player's damage stat * (the player's damage stat - 1).
  • All attacks inflict Astral Blight.

In addition to the above, each headpiece provides its own class-specific set bonus:

Intergelactic Helm:

Intergelactic Visor:

  • Every time a weapon is fired (with a INSERTRATE cooldown), 1-4 stars are created at positions near the player that then launch towards the cursor's position. The stars deal 30% of the weapon's damage, with a softcap of 80, afterwards, all further damage will be reduced by 75%.

Intergelactic Mask:

  • Mana costs are reduced by 20%.
  • Mana restoring items such as Mana Potions and Astra Jelly now heal an additional 100 mana on use.
  • Critical hits cause a floral pattern of stars to erupt from hit enemies, which deal 200 damage each. This has a cooldown of a third of a second.

Intergelactic Horned Helmet:

  • Grants 4 additional minion slots.
  • Grants minions the ability to land critical strikes with a 6% chance.
  • Causes minions to passively grow up to 3 orbiting asteroids at a time, which launch towards enemies. These asteroids deal 35% of the minions damage, with a softcap of 60, afterwards, all further damage is reduced by 75%.

Intergelactic Headgear:

  • +20% rogue stealth.
  • Stealth strikes cause the asteroid belts to gain homing capabilities and launch towards enemies. The belts then need to regenerate before being able to be thrown again. Each rock deals 20% damage.


Intergelactic Breastplate
  • Intergelactic Breastplate item sprite
Body slotShirt
Tooltip10% increased damage reduction
Provides immunity to the Astral Infection and multiple defense lowering buffs
Intergelactic Greaves
  • Intergelactic Greaves item sprite
Body slotPants
Greatly increases your horizontal and vertical speed
8% increased damage reduction

Helmet variants

Intergelactic Hardhat
  • Intergelactic Hardhat item sprite
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases melee damage and critical strike chance by 22%
Increases melee and movement speed by 10%
10% increased damage reduction
Intergelactic Visor
  • Intergelactic Visor item sprite
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases ranged damage and critical strike chance by 14%
4% increased damage reduction
Intergelactic Mask
  • Intergelactic Mask item sprite
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases magic damage by 15%, magic critical strike chance by 15%
+100 max mana
4% increased damage reduction
Intergelactic Horned Helmet
  • Intergelactic Horned Helmet item sprite
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip4% increased damage reduction
Intergelactic Headgear
  • Intergelactic Headgear item sprite
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases rogue damage and critical strike chance by 22%
4% increased damage reduction



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Catalyst/Intergelactic GreavesIntergelactic GreavesAncient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
total: 1 row(s)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


  • The set's name is a pun on the words "Galactic" and "Gel".
  • If the player's name is "Vortex" or "MarieArk", the asteroid belt's asteroids will resemble a Intergelactic Crewmate Asteroid crewmate from the game, Among Us.
  • One of the intergelactic asteroids is a recolored version of the "Rock" item from Calamity Mod.