Fishing (Aequus)

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Fishing is a mechanic in Terraria accomplished by using a Fishing Pole at a body of liquid. Aequus adds new Fish, Bait, Fishing Rods, and more! Plus a new fish type called "Legendary Fish".

Fishing Poles

Item Source Fishing Power Velocity Sell Rarity Hardmode Notes Projectile Created
Aequus/BuzzerBuzzer 8 Bee Wax ( @Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil ) 36% 16 20 Rarity color 4.png • Bobber doesn't obey gravity until it reaches your cursor Buzzer bobber (Aequus).png
Aequus/NimrodNimrod Sold by the Sky Merchant 20% 16 3 Rarity color 6.png • Cloud doesn't obey gravity, when it reaches the location of your cursor it spawns 3 bobbers Nimrod Cloud 1 bobber (Aequus).png Nimrod Cloud 2 bobber (Aequus).png
Nimrod bobber (Aequus).png
Aequus/Crab RodCrab Rod Reward from the Angler for giving him the Crab Daughter fish 25% 24 80 Rarity color 2.png • Immediately after catching a fish, you are given 1/5 of its sell value in coins Crab bobber (Aequus).png
Aequus/StarcatcherStarcatcher Reward from the Angler for giving him the Blobfish 25% 24 80 Rarity color 2.png • Gains 20% fishing power during the Night, while in Space, and any other time the Stars become visible ingame Starcatcher bobber (Aequus).png


There are currently 8 baits in the mod, with 3 being hardmode exclusive

Item Power Rarity Max. stack Sell Hardmode Notes
Aequus/Crate BaitCrate Bait 30% Rarity color 2.png 9999 1 • Replaces Wooden/Pearlwood/Iron/Mythril Crates with biome crates
• Instantly consumed when catching a biome crate
Aequus/Legend BerryLegend Berry 40% Rarity color 4.png 9999 20 • "Uncommon", "Rare", "Very Rare", and "Legendary" catches are rolled extra often
Aequus/Omni BaitOmni Bait 40% Rarity color 4.png 9999 20 • Allows you to fish as if you are in every biome at once.
Aequus/Cursed PopperCursed Popper 30% Rarity color 2.png 9999 1 • +30% extra bait power when in the Corruption biome
Aequus/Ichor PopperIchor Popper 31% Rarity color 2.png 9999 1 • +35% extra bait power when in the Crimson biome
Aequus/Mystic PopperMystic Popper 50% Rarity color 2.png 9999 1 • +25% extra bait power when in the Hallow biome
Aequus/Regenerative BaitRegenerative Bait 25% Rarity color 2.png 1 1 • Cannot be consumed
Aequus/HeliosisHeliosis 25% Rarity color 3.png 1 2 • Cannot be consumed, Makes fishing rods cast an extra bobber, and allows your fishing rod to fire lasers at enemies.



Type Height Biome Catch Quality Sell Rarity Hardmode Notes
Aequus/DepthscaleDepthscale Any except Underworld Corruption Common 20 Rarity color 1.png
Aequus/LeecheelLeecheel Any except Underworld Crimson Common 22 Rarity color 1.png
Aequus/Iceberg FishIceberg Fish Surface and Space Snow Common 15 Rarity color 1.png

Legendary Fish

These fish can only be caught during various specific conditions, and given to the Angler via the "Quest" button regardless of his current quest status. In return, he will give the player several unique items, including Aequus baits, the Seaside Broadcaster, and exclusive items themed around each fish.

Type Height Biome Reward Notes
Aequus/Argon FishArgon Fish Underground and Cavern Any Aequus/Devil's TongueDevil's Tongue Being near Argon Moss does not affect the catch rate
Aequus/Krypton FishKrypton Fish Underground and Cavern Any Aequus/RamishroomRamishroom Being near Krypton Moss does not affect the catch rate
Aequus/Xenon FishXenon Fish Underground and Cavern Any Aequus/Regenerative BaitRegenerative Bait Being near Xenon Moss does not affect the catch rate
Aequus/Neon FishNeon Fish Underground and Cavern Any Aequus/Neon GenesisNeon Genesis Being near Neon Moss does not affect the catch rate
Aequus/Crab DaughterCrab Daughter Any Crab Crevice Aequus/Crab RodCrab Rod
Aequus/BlobfishBlobfish Surface and Space Any Aequus/StarcatcherStarcatcher Can only be fished during a Glimmer.
Aequus/Gore FishGore Fish Any Any Lavaproof Fishing HookLavaproof Fishing Hook Can only be fished in lava while nearby an Oblivion Altar.

Usable Items

Item Type Height Biome Catch Quality Sell Rarity Hardmode Notes
Aequus/Pale PufferfishPale Pufferfish Anti-Debuff Potion Any Any Uncommon 50 Rarity color 1.png Can only be fished during a Blood Moon. Clears debuffs and Vampirism when consumed.
Aequus/Vampire SquidVampire Squid Potion Any Any Rare 3 Rarity color 3.png Can only be fished during a Blood Moon. Inflicts Vampirism. Vampirism can only be cured with a Pale Pufferfish.
Aequus/Sentry SquidSentry Squid Accessory Surface and Space Ocean Very Rare 1 Rarity color 2.png When enemies are nearby, automatically place a sentry nearby enemies.


Pre-Hardmode Type Hardmode Type Biome Catch Quality Value Rarity Chest
Aequus/Carapic CrateCarapic Crate Aequus/Encrusted CrateEncrusted Crate Crab Crevice Rare 1 Rarity color 2.png Aequus/Crab CreviceCrab Crevice Chests


Type Height Biome Value Rarity Notes
Aequus/Plastic BottlePlastic Bottle Any Any 0 Rarity color negative.png
Aequus/DriftwoodDriftwood Any Any 0 Rarity color negative.png
Aequus/Tattered Demon HornTattered Demon Horn Any Any 0 Rarity color negative.png Can only be fished in lava if you have less than 75% fishing power


Type Height Biome Conditions
Aequus/Bread of CthulhuBread of Cthulhu Any Any Chance to replace any junk fished