Teddy Bear (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Teddy Bear
  • Teddy Bear item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Use time120 (Snail)
TooltipHug the bear to regenerate life
'Full of love'
Grants BuffStorm's Additions Mod/Teddy Bear LoveTeddy Bear Love
Buff tooltipThe love of the Teddy bear increases life regen
RarityRarity level: 1
The Teddy Bear being hugged

The Teddy Bear is a special tool crafted from Silk, Cobweb and Green thread. On use it grants the Teddy Bear Love buff that lasts for 5 seconds that regenerates 3 health per second.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Teddy BearTeddy Bear


  • There is a 10 second cool down from when the buff is first applied until it can be applied again.
  • Using the bear makes it look like you are hugging it.
  • The bear cannot be "hugged" when the cooldown is still active