Playing Card - Shuffle (Orchid Mod)

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Playing Card - Shuffle
  • Playing Card - Shuffle item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage5 (Gambling)
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time10 (Very fast)
TooltipRandomly shoots a selection of clovers, spades, diamonds and hearts
Each projectile has its own properties and bahaviour[sic]
Damage increases with the number of cards in your deck
RarityRarity level: 1
Buy / Sell50 / 10

Playing Card - Shuffle is a Pre-Hardmode Playing Card that requires no cards in your deck to use. It can be bought from the Croupier.

On use, it fires 4 projectiles randomly, each with their own behavior:

Projectile Effect
Shuffle Diamond (Orchid Mod) Diamond A slow projectile that pierces infinitely and sticks to walls.
Shuffle Heart (Orchid Mod) Heart A projectile with limited piercing and bouncing abilities.
Shuffle Spade (Orchid Mod) Spade A fast projectile that quickly accelerates.
Shuffle Club (Orchid Mod) Club A slow projectile that slows down then spins.