Playing Card - Corrupted Nightmare (Orchid Mod)

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Playing Card - Corrupted Nightmare
  • Playing Card - Corrupted Nightmare item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage8 (Gambling)
Knockback1 (Extremely weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipSummons a corrupted eye, following your cursor
Randomly releases rotten meat chunks
Collecting them increases the eye damage and size
RarityRarity level: 1
 Obtained from
Eater of WorldsEater of Worlds133.33%

Playing Card - Corrupted Nightmare is a Pre-Hardmode Playing Card that requires 4 cards in your deck to use. it has a 33.33% chance to be dropped by the Eater of Worlds.

Upon use, a corrupted eye will follow the player's cursor. While the eye is out, rotten chunks appear in random locations around the screen. If a rotten chunk comes into contact with the corrupted eye, it will increase in size and its damage will be increased. The eye explodes upon releasing the cursor or drawing another card, dealing a large amount of area damage that scales heavily with its current damage. When the corrupted eye collides with tiles, it will bounce back a little bit in the opposite direction of the cursor.


Playing Card - Corrupted Nightmare in action. Note the rotten chunks and how the corrupted eye gains damage and increases in size when collecting rotten chunks.