Conqueror's Pennant (Orchid Mod)

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Conqueror's Pennant
  • Conqueror's Pennant item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipYou enrage when drawing a gambler 'boss' card
Grants BuffOrchid Mod/Conqueror's ThrillConqueror's Thrill
Buff duration10 seconds
Buff tooltip10% increased gambling critical strike chance and movement speed
RarityRarity level: 1
Buy / Sell2 / 40

The Conqueror's Pennant is a Pre-Hardmode accessory that's sold by the Croupier if the player has 3 or more Playing Cards of the Boss set in their deck.

When equipped, the player gains the Conqueror's Thrill buff for 10 seconds when any Playing Cards of the Boss set is active. This buff increases gambling critical strike chance and movement speed by 10%.