Terra Vial Necklace (Cerebral Mod)

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Terra Vial Necklace
  • Terra Vial Necklace item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip"Enchants telekinetic attacks with a lot of kinesis, enabling a chance to cause many debuffs on hit"
RarityRarity level: 8

The Terra Vial Necklace is a Hardmode accessory. It causes the wearer's telekinetic attacks to inflict all the debuffs on enemies used to make this, and also produces many particles that light up the area where ever a damaging telekinetic projectile is at. This actually causes a custom debuff that grants the combined effects of the other debuffs due to a hard limit of NPCs being able to only have 5 [de]buffs on them at once.


ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Terra Vial NecklaceTerra Vial Necklace
Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop