Cerebral Mod

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Welcome to the Cerebral Mod Wiki,
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a mod created and maintained by TheLoneGamer.

About The Mod
This open source mod is mostly focused on adding new classes to give players new and difference ways to handle the game's many combat encounters. Among the classes are the Defender, who uses sentry weapons as a full standalone damage type instead of sharing with Summoner. The base game has few sentries, but this mod adds a lot more. Another class is the Esper, who uses telekinetic damage weapons. These are weapons controlled by the cursor, following it like the Magic Missile and Flying Knife. This is a playstyle that allows for the player to attack from around corners and anywhere on screen their weapons can reach. The Minstrel is a class (still heavily in development) focused on using melodic damage weapons. These take the form of musical instruments with timing focused attacks shown via a HUD display only visible when such a weapon is selected. Attacks will fail if not used within the timing window. To make up for this focus on correct timing, these weapons do not require manual aiming from the player. And finally, there is the Trickster class (also heavily in development) that's focused on using throwing weapons that make heavy use of positioning and the surrounding environment to deal max damage. Furthermore there is a knack mechanic that gives up to 20% bonus throwing damage, but resets upon getting hit and takes several seconds to build back up.