Treasure Bags (Catalyst)

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Expert Mode.png
Expert and Master Mode-Only Content: This information applies only to Expert Mode, Master Mode, and worlds with these modes.
Treasure Bags
  • Treasure Pod (Astrageldon) (Catalyst).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TooltipRight Click to open
RarityRarity color Rainbow Crystal (Catalyst).gif
SellNo value

Treasure Bags are consumable grab bags obtained in Expert Mode as a reward for defeating bosses. Its contents depend on the boss it comes from. It is opened by either right-clicking it inside the inventory or using it while it is in your hand. In multiplayer, each player that is online at the end of the battle receives one Treasure Bag each. Treasure bags are client-side and will despawn if you exit the world.

Each Treasure Bag contains the boss's usual drops from normal mode, and most contain at least one Expert Mode-exclusive item (green-highlighted items below).


Catalyst/Treasure Pod (Astrageldon)Treasure Pod
Item Chance Amount
Catalyst/Influx ClusterInflux Cluster 100% 1
Catalyst/Astrageldon MaskAstrageldon Mask 14.29% 1
Catalyst/Astral TransmogrifierAstral Transmogrifier 100% 1
Catalyst/Astral LashAstral Lash 100% 1
Catalyst/Astra JellyAstra Jelly 100% 20-30

Expert-exclusive accessory details

Bag Boss Item Function
Treasure Pod (Astrageldon) (Catalyst).png Astrageldon Catalyst/Influx ClusterInflux Cluster When its dedicated hotkey is pressed, the player is launched towards the position of their cursor for 2 seconds and become immune to all damage. This has a 50 second cooldown.