Astral Lash (Catalyst)

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Astral Lash
  • Astral Lash item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipTeleports you to the location of the hook
Any tiles blocking the way between you and the hook will be ignored
Reach: 40.000
Launch velocity: 50.00
Reelback velocity: 72.00
Pull velocity:
Inflicts DebuffChaos StateChaos State
Debuff duration1 second
Debuff tooltipRod of Discord teleports are disabled
RarityRarity color Crystal (Catalyst).gif
 Obtained from

The Astral Lash is a hook that teleports the player to the position the hook attaches to in a similar manner to the Hook of Dissonance, it differs from Hook of Dissonance in its high velocity and reach, while also ignoring all blocks in the way of teleporting. Upon teleporting, the player is inflicted with Chaos State for 1 second.

The Astral Lash was broken, having a really low Pull velocity instead of teleporting you to the location of the hook and not giving the Chaos State debuff, but now it is fixed.


  • The item went under the code name of "Astragel Hook" during development, and is still referred to as such in the files.

Template:Catalyst/Master Template Tools