Intergelactic furniture (Catalyst)

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Intergelactic furniture
  • Intergelactic Work Bench (Catalyst).png Intergelactic Chest (Catalyst).png Intergelactic Door (Catalyst).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time10 (Very fast)
RarityRarity color Crystal (Catalyst).gif
All types of Intergelactic furniture placed in the world.

Intergelactic furniture is a set of furniture made of Metanova Bricks at an Astral Transmogrifier.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Catalyst/Intergelactic BathtubIntergelactic BathtubCatalyst/Astral TransmogrifierAstral Transmogrifier
Catalyst/Intergelactic BedIntergelactic Bed
Catalyst/Intergelactic BookcaseIntergelactic Bookcase
Catalyst/Intergelactic CandelabraIntergelactic Candelabra
Catalyst/Intergelactic CandleIntergelactic Candle
Catalyst/Intergelactic ChairIntergelactic Chair
Catalyst/Intergelactic ChandelierIntergelactic Chandelier
total: 7 row(s)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


  • Like Intergelactic armor, the furniture set's name is a pun on the words, "Intergalactic" and "Gel".
  • The usage of a few Astrogel in the bathtub's recipe is marked in the mod's source code with the comment, "Take a bath with geldon".

Template:Catalyst/Master Template Tiles