Duratanium Cross Shield (Avalon)

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Duratanium Cross Shield
  • Duratanium Cross Shield item sprite
  • Duratanium Cross Shield equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipSlows the effects of damage over time debuffs
RarityRarity level: 4
Research1 required

The Duratanium Cross Shield is a Hardmode accessory. It grants 2 point of defense, in addition to reducing the effects of damage over time debuffs.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


  • The Duratanium Cross Shield only affects specific debuffs. A table of its effects can be seen below:
Debuff DPS
Without Shield With Shield
Acid Venom Acid Venom 15 11.5
Burning Burning 50 42.5
Avalon/Caesium Poisoning Caesium Poisoning 30 20
Cursed Inferno Cursed Inferno 12 9
Electrified Electrified (Stationary)
16 (Moving)
12 (Moving)
Avalon/Electrified Electrified 45 (Stationary)
90 (Moving)
30 (Stationary)
75 (Moving)
Frostbite Frostbite 25 23
Frostburn Frostburn 8 6
Hellfire Hellfire 15 14
Avalon/Malaria Malaria 45 30
On Fire! On Fire! 4 3
Poisoned Poisoned 2 1.5


  • 1.2.4:
    • Sprite updated.
    • Now has an equipped sprite.
  • 1.0.0: Introduced.