Chaos Charm (Avalon)

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Chaos Charm
  • Chaos Charm item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipCritical strike chance increases as your health drops
RarityRarity level: 5
Research1 required
Obtained from Obtained from
Chaos ElementalChaos Elemental13.33*3.33%

The Chaos Charm is a Hardmode accessory that increases the player's critical strike chance the lower their current health is, up to a maximum of 19% increased critical strike chance.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


  • The formula for the critical strike chance increase is 2 × FLOOR((Max Health - Current Health) ÷ Max Health × 10), which is added onto the final critical strike chance. A table of its effects can be seen below:
Current HP Crit Chance
≤ 100% n/a
≤ 95% +1%
≤ 90% +2%
≤ 85% +3%
≤ 80% +4%
≤ 75% +5%
≤ 70% +6%
≤ 65% +7%
≤ 60% +8%
≤ 55% +9%
≤ 50% +10%
≤ 45% +11%
≤ 40% +12%
≤ 35% +13%
≤ 30% +14%
≤ 25% +15%
≤ 20% +16%
≤ 15% +17%
≤ 10% +18%
≤ 5% +19%
