Windshield (Avalon)

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  • Windshield item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipImmunity to Mighty Winds
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required
Obtained from Obtained from
Dune SplicerDune Splicer11.33*1.33%
Angry TumblerAngry Tumbler11.33*1.33%
Antlion ChargerAntlion Charger11.33*1.33%
Antlion SwarmerAntlion Swarmer11.33*1.33%
Sand ElementalSand Elemental11.33*1.33%
Sand SharkSand Shark11.33*1.33%
Bone BiterBone Biter11.33*1.33%
Flesh ReaverFlesh Reaver11.33*1.33%
Crystal ThresherCrystal Thresher11.33*1.33%
Avalon/Basking SpewerBasking Spewer11.33*1.33%

The Windshield is an immunity accessory that grants the player immunity to the Mighty Wind debuff. It has a 1.33*1/75 (1.33%) chance to drop from Dune Splicers, Angry Tumblers, Antlion Chargers, Antlion Swarmers, Sand Elementals, Sand Sharks, Bone Biters, Flesh Reavers, Crystal Threshers, and Basking Spewers.

It is one of the ingredients required to make the Face Shield, which is a crafting material required to make the Reflex Shield.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)
