Storm's Additions Mod (Painting) (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Storm's Additions Mod (Painting)
  • Storm's Additions Mod (Painting) (Storm's Additions Mod).png Logo (Storm's Additions Mod).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Dimensions5 × 5
TooltipThanks for Playing
RarityRarity level: 9
Buy / Sell1 / 20
 Obtained from
Storm's Additions Mod/The PainbringerThe Painbringer1100%
Storm's Additions Mod/Ultimate PainUltimate Pain1100%

The painting titled Storm's Additions Mod is the last item added to the mod as it has ended active development, it can be purchased from the Painter at anytime for 1 and is also dropped from The Painbringer.


  • The placed painting is exactly the same as the mod's logo.