Waxy Incense (Orchid Mod)

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Waxy Incense
  • Waxy Incense item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipYour shamanic regeneration empowerments will cover you in honey
You have a chance to release harmfull bees when under thw effect of shamanic regeneration empowerments
Grants BuffHoney (buff)Honey
Buff durationinfinite while a Life Regeneration Empowerment is active
Buff tooltipLife regeneration is increased
RarityRarity level: 2
Dropped by
Entity Quantity Rate Requirement
Queen Bee 1 16.67%

The Waxy Incense is a Pre-Hardmode Shaman accessory that has a 1/6 chance of dropping from Queen Bee. While equipped, if the player has a Life Regeneration Bond Active, they will receive the honey buff, and their attacks will have a chance to release bees.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Waxy TearWaxy Tear
Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop


  • The Waxy Incense and its upgrade's effect, the Orchid Mod/Waxy TearWaxy Tear, don't stack.
  • The Waxy Incense and Orchid Mod/The HiveThe Hive cannot both drop simultaneously.

Template:Orchid Mod/Master Template Content