Vulture Charm (Orchid Mod)

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Vulture Charm
  • Vulture Charm item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage12 (Gambling)
TooltipDrawing a card releases a burst of vulture feathers
RarityRarity level: 1

The Vulture Charm is a craftable Pre-Hardmode Gambler accessory. While equipped, drawing a Playing Card will shoot a number of vulture feathers that pierce indefinitely, and rapidly fade and lose velocity after traveling enough distance or after hitting a tile.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Vulture CharmVulture Charm
Iron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil


  • Feathers spawned with this accessory has the same trait as most Playing Card projectiles, in that they have a chance to grant the player chips on enemy hits.