Sinister Present (Orchid Mod)

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Sinister Present
  • Sinister Present item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip15% increases shamanic damage
Your shamanic empowerments will last 10 seconds longer
Increases the effectiveness of all your shamanic empowerments
However, taking direct damage will reduce their current one by 5 seconds
It will also reverse the effectiveness upgrade and remove the damage increase for 15 seconds
Inflicts DebuffOrchid Mod/Broken PresentBroken Present
Debuff duration15 seconds
Debuff tooltipReduces the effectiveness of all your shamanic empowerments
Nullifies the positive effects of the fragile and sinister present accessories
RarityRarity level: 8

The Sinister Present is a craftable Hardmode, post-Plantera Shaman accessory that grants 15% increased shamanic damage, increases the level of all the player's Shamanic Bonds by 1 level, and increases the duration of the player's shamanic bonds by 10 seconds. Taking direct damage, however, inflicts the Broken Present debuff, negating the accessory's bonuses and decreasing the level of all the player's shamanic bonds by 1 for its duration.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Orchid Mod/Sinister PresentSinister PresentTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop
total: 1 row(s)