Ice Cycle (Orchid Mod)

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Ice Cycle
  • Ice Cycle item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage63 (Shamanic)
Knockback0 (No knockback)
Critical chance4%
Use time45 (Very slow)
TooltipReleases a glacial spike, repeatedly impaling the closest enemy
Having 3 or more active shamanic bonds increases the spike attack rate
RarityRarity level: 5
Creates Projectile
  • Catalyst
    Catalyst Anchor (Ice Cycle) (Orchid Mod).png
 Obtained from
Ice MimicIce Mimic133.3%

The Ice Cycle is a Hardmode shamanic weapon that has a chance to be dropped by Ice Mimics. As with all shamanic weapons, the Ice Cycle's attacks are fired from a catalyst, whose position and direction are based on the position of the cursor.

On use, the Ice Cycle fires an ice spear that automatically attacks enemies. It hovers and spins for a period of time before lunging at the nearest enemy, similarly to the Enchanted Sword. The ice spear can pierce multiple enemies and bounces off solid tiles while lunging. Only one ice spear can be active at once, and attempting to use the Shaman Rod again will despawn the existing ice spear. By default, the ice spear has a 2.5 second delay between attacks. If the player has 3 or more active elements, the delay is halved, attacking after a 1.25 second delay.

Damaging non-Target Dummy enemies will grant the player the Shaman Element Water (Orchid Mod).png Water Element for a length of time.

Its best modifier is Effervescent, as it cannot get modifiers that affect its knockback.