Enchanted Scepter (Orchid Mod)

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Enchanted Scepter
  • Enchanted Scepter item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage12 (Shamanic)
Knockback3.15 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time28 (Average)
TooltipWeapon damage increases with the number of active shamanic bonds
RarityRarity level: 1
Creates Projectile
  • Catalyst
    Catalyst Anchor (Enchanted Scepter) (Orchid Mod).png
 Obtained from
Orchid Mod/Mineshaft CrateMineshaft Crate11%
Enchanted Scepter in action.

The Enchanted Scepter is a Pre-Hardmode shamanic weapon that has a chance to be obtained from Gold Chests underground, as well as Miners Lockboxes or Mineshaft Crates in the Mineshaft. As with all shamanic weapons, the Enchanted Scepter's attacks are fired from a catalyst, whose position and direction are based on the position of the cursor.

On use, the Enchanted Scepter fires an enchanted bolt that is slightly affected by gravity, and can either bounce from a solid block once or pierce through one enemy, but not both. For each active element the player has, the damage of the weapon increases by a flat 4, up to a maximum of 20 more damage.

Damaging non-Target Dummy enemies will grant the player the Shaman Element Fire (Orchid Mod).png Fire Element for a length of time.

Its best modifier is Ethereal.