Deep Forest Charm (Orchid Mod)

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Deep Forest Charm
  • Deep Forest Charm item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage15 (Shamanic)
Critical chance4%
TooltipYour shamanic damage resistance empowerments will summon sharp leaves around you
Grants BuffOrchid Mod/Deep Forest AuraDeep Forest Aura
Buff tooltipSharp Leaves orbits around you
RarityRarity level: 3
Deep Forest Charm in action.

The Deep Forest Charm is a Pre-Hardmode Shaman accessory that has a 1/5 chance to be obtained in Ivy Chests in the Underground Jungle. While equipped, it causes the player's Defense Bonds to grant the Deep Forest Aura buff, summoning 2 leaves that orbit around the player a distance of about 9 blocks away that damage enemies that come into contact with it. The leaves last as long as the player's defense bond is active.

Template:Orchid Mod/Master Template Content