Avalanche (Orchid Mod)

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  • Avalanche item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage19 (Shamanic)
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipHitting will spawn and empower a giant icicle above your head
After enough hits, the icicle will be launched, dealing massive damage
RarityRarity level: 1

The Avalanche is a Pre-Hardmode shamanic weapon that has a chance to be obtained from Frozen Chests in the Ice biome. As with all shamanic weapons, the Avalanche's attacks are fired from a catalyst, whose position and direction are based on the position of the cursor.

On use, the Avalanche fires a short-ranged ice projectile. Upon successfully striking 3 enemies, a giant icicle will form above the player. The icicle will grow larger as they continue to strike enemies. After 10 hits, the following strike will cause the icicle to shoot forwards in a slight downwards angle and deal large damage to up to 3 enemies.

Damaging non-Target Dummy enemies will grant the player the Shaman Element Water (Orchid Mod).png Water Element for a length of time.

Its best modifier is Ethereal.


  • The large icicle deals 35 damage added to the weapon's base damage.
  • With the effect of the Treasured Baubles or its upgrade active, the icicle will be formed after the first strike instead of the third.