Amber Scepter (Orchid Mod)

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Amber Scepter
  • Amber Scepter item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage26 (Shamanic)
Knockback4.75 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time50 (Extremely slow)
TooltipHitting an enemy will grant you an amber orb
If you have 3 amber orbs, your next hit will increase your maximum life for 30 seconds
Grants BuffOrchid Mod/Amber EmpowermentAmber Empowerment
Buff duration30 seconds
Buff tooltipIncreases maximum life by 20
RarityRarity level: 1
Creates Projectile
  • Catalyst
    Catalyst Anchor (Amber Scepter) (Orchid Mod).png

The Amber Scepter is a craftable Pre-Hardmode Gem Scepter. As with all shamanic weapons, the Amber Scepter's attacks are fired from a catalyst, whose position and direction are based on the position of the cursor.

On use, the Amber Scepter fires an amber bolt that travels a short distance and explodes. The bolt will additionally bounce off tiles and pierce through an enemy before slowing and exploding early. Upon successfully hitting an enemy, the player will gain an amber orb. After collecting 3 amber orbs, the following strike will consume them all to grant the Amber Empowerment buff, increasing the player's maximum health by 20 for its duration.

Damaging non-Target Dummy enemies will grant the player the Shaman Element Earth (Orchid Mod).png Earth Element for a length of time.

Its best modifier is Ethereal.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)