Vortex Storm (Metroid Mod)

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Vortex Storm
  • Vortex Storm item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipMissile Launcher Addon
Slot Type: Charge
Fires vortexes that orbit the player at full charge
Each vortex fires a blast after 2 seconds
Releasing the charge makes all vortexes immediately fire
Initially costs 10 missiles, then drains 5 missiles per second during use
Array slot 11
RarityRarity level: 4

The Vortex Storm is an addon for the Missile Launcher. It goes in the Charge slot. When equipped, the Missile Launcher's charge attack will continuously shoot out vortexes in all directions, orbiting the player. After 2 seconds, the vortexes will fire beams at the location of the cursor. When the player stops using the charge attack, all vortexes will fire their beams. When first charged it will use up 10 missiles, then use 5 Missiles per second for the rest of the duration.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Metroid Mod/Vortex StormVortex StormAncient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
total: 1 row(s)