Arm Cannon (Metroid Mod)

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This article is about current combined version of the weapon. For old individual weapons, see Power Beam and Missile Launcher.
Arm Cannon
  • Arm Cannon item sprite
  • ArmCannonEquipped (Metroid Mod).png
Damage10 (Hunter)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance11%
Use time14 (Very fast)
TooltipOverheats by 4[1] points per use.
RarityRarity level: 2
Buy / Sell2 / 40

The Arm Cannon is a modular Hunter weapon that can be upgraded with Addons. It is also sold by the Chozo Ghost for 2 in Hardmode.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Metroid Mod/Arm CannonArm CannonIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
total: 1 row(s)


The Arm Cannon attacking a Target Dummy

The Arm Cannon fires projectiles towards the cursor when pressing Use / Attack. By default, the weapon is capable of autofire while down the key. When Open / Activate is pressed while the item is selected in the hotbar, the Arm Cannon will become a Missile Launcher and will only fire so long as the player has Missiles available, which can be seen in the top-leftmost number of the Beam UI when the inventory is closed.


If a Charge addon is added, holding Use / Attack will instead begin charging a shot. The shot will grow in size and power until the upper bar on the Beam UI is full. While Power Beam charge shots are able to be fired before they are fully charged, Missle Launcher charge shots require the full charge in order to activate.


When the Power Beam is fired, it generates Overheat, which is dependent on the current addons of the beam. If the Overheat bar is filled, the weapon stops autofiring until the bar is no longer filled. Overheat drops over time when the weapon is not in use.

Power Beam Addons

Main article: Beam Addons

When selected on the hotbar and the inventory is opened, the Beam UI will appear. There are 6 slots for addons to upgrade the Arm Cannon that can freely be put in and taken from. Addons will state in their tooltip into which slot they can go.

Addons can drastically change how the Arm Cannon's Power Beam shot functions. In general:

  • Utility Addons allow shots to travel through blocks
  • Charge Addons allow Charge Shots
  • Secondary Addons allow shots to slow or freeze enemies
  • Primary-A Addons increase the number of projectiles per shot
  • Primary-B Addons allow shots to pierce enemies

Not all combinations of addons will function. Addons of different tiers can conflict, and an error message will appear next to the Beam UI.

Beam Interface

Main article: Beam Interface

By either clicking the button next to the Beam UI when the inventory is open or by pressing Switch Interface (default G) the Beam Interface will open. Players can store unique Power Beam Charge addons they obtain here according to the array slot on the item's tooltip. Once addons are stored, they can simply be clicked on in order to immediately swap to them for use with the Arm Cannon. If ⇧ Shift is held, addons can be removed.

Missile Launcher Addons

Main article: Missile Addons

When selected on the hotbar and the inventory is opened, the Missile Launcher UI will appear. There are 3 slots for addons to upgrade the Arm Cannon's Missile Launcher that can freely be put in and taken from. Addons will state in their tooltip into which slot they can go.

  • Primary Addons affect the missiles shot by using Use / Attack
  • Charge Addons affect the missiles shot by holding Use / Attack, if one is present
  • The Expansion slot is for Missile Expansions which affect how many total Missiles the Arm Cannon can hold. Each expansion increases the max by 5 up to a total of 255.

Missile Interface

Main article: Missile Interface

By either clicking the button next to the Missile Launcher UI when the inventory is opened or by pressing Switch Interface (default G) the Missile Interface will open. Players can store unique Missile Launcher Charge addons they obtain here according to the array slot on the item's tooltip. Once addons are stored, they can simply be clicked on in order to immediately swap to them for use with the Arm Cannon. If ⇧ Shift is held, addons can be removed.

See also

  1. Overheat depends on addons