Splendor Jam (Hunt of the Old God)

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Splendor Jam
  • Splendor Jam item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipActivates the Stress Bar

Stress builds up passively, though standing close to enemies speeds up the rate at which it increases
You emit light that scales with your Stress level
Grants a Spectacle at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% Stress
At 25% Stress your weapons will produce explosions
At 75% Stress your explosions will become larger and deal more damage
Double tap DOWN while Stress is above 25% to enter Malice Mode
Malice Mode significantly increases your damage, as well as granting flat damage, armor penetration, and critical strike
These boosts and their duration scale with the amount of stress you have

'Something horrible is approaching...'
Grants BuffHunt of the Old God/Malice ModeMalice Mode
Buff tooltipYou're all stressed out
RarityRarity color violet (Calamity's Vanities).png
 Obtained from
Hunt of the Old God/GoozmaGoozma1100%

Splendor Jam is a Post-Moon Lord accessory dropped by Goozma. While equipped, the player emits rainbow after images, is granted a new meter known as the Stress Meter, and grows a tentacle from their back that attacks nearby enemies. Every frame while the item is equipped, the player's stress will increase by 0.01% (0.6% per second). Hitting enemies causes the player's stress to increase by 0.0005f + ((dis > 0 && dis <= 320) ? 0.0005f : 0.0005f - (dis/320 * 0.0005f)) with dis being the distance between the hit enemy and the player.

For each 25% milestone the player's stress hits, they will grow another tentacle until accumulating a total of 5 tentacles at 100% stress. The tentacles deal a base of 320 damage, multiplied by the player's highest damage stat. Hitting enemies while above 25% stress causes stationary sludge explosions to occur on top of hit enemies with a 1 second cooldown. After reaching 75% stress, the explosions double in size. The sludge explosions initially deal 20% of the original projectile or item that hit the enemy's damage then increases to 40% above 75% stress.

Double tapping down while stress is above 25% stress causes the player to enter Malice Mode, increasing the player's damage, critical strike chance, and armor penetration based on how much stress the player had when activating it with the following values:

Stress Amount Damage Multiplier Flat Damage Crit Chance Armor Penetration
25-50% 2% 8 1% 5
50%-75% 7% 12 3% 10
75%-99% 16% 16 7% 20
100% 35% 20 10% 40

The buff lasts for checkStress * 16 + 4 seconds, where checkStress is the player's current stress with 1 being the maximum amount.

The Stress Meter.
Splendor Jam's tentacles on the player.


  • The item's stress mechanic is a reference to the deprecated Stress Meter from old versions of Calamity.
  • The Malice Mode buff is a reference to the deprecated Malice Mode difficulty from old versions of Calamity.
  • The "something horrible is approaching..." flavor text is a reference to the deprecated natural boss spawning mechanic status message from old version of Calamity.

Template:Hunt of the Old God/Master Template Equipables