Lore (Hunt of the Old God)

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The Hunt of the Old God and much of its contents have a rich lore associated with them. While most of it is unnecessary to the central gameplay, it can be read and understood as a means to make the world feel more alive and give bosses and items more purpose.

Lore Items

Lore Items are items with a piece of lore written into them, and are dropped by their respective boss on their first kill. They are also able to be crafted using the boss's respective trophy. The descriptions of these items are insights and commentary on both locations the player has been to and bosses the player has slain.

All lore items initially have the tooltip 'Whispers from on high dance in your ears... Press "Left Shift" to listen closer' and will then display their full contents when ⇧ Left Shift is pressed.

Lore Items
Item Name Tooltip Source Rarity
Hunt of the Old God/Goozma (Lore) Goozma A most chilling upset, in the hierarchical dominion of all things living.

To think the culmination of the lowest echelon of creatures could nevertheless possess an Auric soul, despite lacking any draconic heritage…
It became something greater, approaching a perfect being comprised of naught but imperfect parts...perhaps what truly makes a God will forever be unknown.
My apprehension towards your catalysis of this veritable harbinger of destruction’s cultivation is outweighed by my curiosity towards it.
What could have influenced the form that it took? Its appearance belies the finesse and sophistication of the manipulation of its subjects.
What a pity it is that the fruits of its effort came to nothing, in the end. An unremitting pattern in the cyclic annals of history.
Perhaps, from the perspective of Terraria, our own achievements amount to little more than the impotent writhing of slimes.

Goozma Rarity color violet (Calamity's Vanities).png

The Codebreaker

The Codebreaker's communication feature gains a new dialogue entry after Goozma has been defeated:

Prompt Dialogue Notes
Goozma A living paradox, and a shock to everything I believed fact about the nature of the Auric soul.

The Godseeker seemed so certain that the nature of the god was fundamentally tied to ritual. Though that is a thoroughly unscientific prospect, I had no choice but to accept it: he knew better than I, being linked to one of the few remaining auric dragons, and to invoke his wrath would put a quick end to my work. It is not a surprise that I did not have the whole story, and even now, I am still missing many pieces.

I have been tirelessly analyzing the replay of that battle since the moment it concluded. Though a natural phenomena has seemingly created a new Auric soul, I know very little about the nature of the process that occurred; just as quickly as it was created, it was returned to the primordial soup it was forged from.

I have two prevailing theories, though my confidence in their accuracy is shaky at best. The first is related to the method in which it was born. The natural process of pressurization is not altogether difficult for even the most basic of scientists to grasp. For an easily understood example, however, consider carbon; its makeup will shift when compressed with extreme force, transforming it into diamond. Considering this fact, it may not be altogether unlikely that a spiritual equivalent to this phenomena exists; a mundane soul, forced into a single point by many other similarly basic souls, could very well shift in such a way that it grows exponentially in power.

The other I am less certain of, but must still consider: It is possible the 'Slime God', as you called it, is but a splinter of a much older, more venerated deity, and the ritual you performed simply granted it its original form back. This would mean that its soul was not spontaneously created, as I currently believe, but was splintered instead- creating the illusion of mundanity from sparks of a greater power.

Either theory, should one be proven true, provides new, investing paths of study. Though your naming ability leaves much to be desired, I must commend your ability to leave nothing unstudied, no matter how well documented said creature may be- I never could have anticipated that such a massive scientific breakthrough could have been hiding in the most common pest of all.

Only appears after Goozma has been defeated.