Koishi Komeiji (Gensokyo)

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Koishi Komeiji
Koishi Komeiji (Gensokyo).png
Koishi Komeiji Map Icon (Gensokyo).png
Map Icon
Damage80 / 160 Contact
58 / 116 Roses
56 / 112 Hearts
64 / 128 Pursuer
90 / 180 Polygraph laser
60 / 120 Polygraph bullet
54 / 108 Genetics of the Subconscious
Max Life66,000 / 99,000
Defense42 / 46
KB Resist100%

Koishi Komeiji is a Tier 6 Hardmode, post-Golem boss.


After either all Tier 5 bosses, the Golem or any Tier 6 boss has been defeated, Koishi can be found randomly wandering around. When spoken to, she will ask the player to fight her. If the player agrees, the boss fight begins.

After Koishi has been defeated at least once, she can also be summoned using the Strange Telephone.



Koishi has a unique mechanic, referred to as focus. When the player doesn't focus on her, represented by keeping the mouse cursor close to her position, she will become less and less noticeable: as the mouse cursor gets further from her, she becomes more and more transparent, until she is barely visible.

This effect also applies to her projectiles, although to varying degrees: the rose vines, blooms and petals (i.e. more "physical" projectiles) are only weakly affected, whereas her heart projectiles and energy orbs can become nearly fully transparent.

Furthermore, when shooting at Koishi with homing projectiles, the current focus level also becomes important. Projectiles fired while Koishi is below a certain focus level will not lock onto her (though they can still damage her if they manage to hit even without any homing towards her).


Koishi normally alternates between a movement phase and a stationary phase. During the fight, she will use six different spellcards, depending on her remaining health.

  • Rose Sign "Thorns of the World": Koishi shoots rose vines that home in on her targeted player. Roses bloom along the vines before exploding, scattering their blossoms.
  • Emotion Sign "Suppression and Release": Koishi emits pink and red hearts that initially move outwards from her, then start circling around her. These hearts persist past the end of the attack phase and move with Koishi during her next move phase. In the next attack phase, Koishi recalls these hearts to her, so that they now come from behind the player.
  • Paranoia "Hidden Pursuer": Each active player starts being chased by a Pursuer, an invincible entity that follows them around while mimicking their exact movement. This pursuer regularly throws a spread of three phantasmal knives. Meanwhile, Koishi regularly shoots salvos of pink and red heart projectiles, though unlike the preceding stage, these don't return to her, and come in far smaller numbers.
  • Reaction "Youkai Polygraph": Koishi eight lasers at 45° angles. These lasers then rotate around Koishi. While doing so, they leave behind a trail of bullets; the distance of the bullets from Koishi along the laser's axis is the same as the distance from Koishi to her currently targeted player.
  • Depths "Genetics of the Unconscious": During both movement and attack phase, Koishi emits a continous stream of energy orbs. These are initially stationary, then begin accelerating away from her in a helix-like pattern.
  • Subterranean Rose: Koishi emits successive circles of rose buds. These regularly bloom, taking up much more space; the spot in which the rose buds bloom moves in a circle around Koishi. Once the roses reach a certain distance from Koishi, they explode into a spread shot of many small petals. Meanwhile, Koishi occasionally shoots a (weakly) homing rose vine towards a targeted player.


  • While Koishi is alive, a remix of Hartmann's Youkai Girl and Last Remote will play. The former originally plays during her boss fight in Touhou 11 ~ Subterranean Animism, while the latter plays in the stage preceding that fight. The remix was composed by Ümbra.