Closed Third Eye (Gensokyo)

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Closed Third Eye
  • Closed Third Eye item sprite
TooltipEven if you shut your eyes, the world will still be there
Enemies are less likely to target you
Deal 15% bonus damage against enemies not targeting you
Gain 10% chance to dodge enemy attacks and emit roses in all directions
When being hit, a subconscious counterattack may be triggered
RarityRarity level: 8
 Obtained from
Gensokyo/Koishi KomeijiKoishi Komeiji125%

The Closed Third Eye is a Hardmode accessory, which has a variety of effects.

Firstly, it reduces the chances of enemies targeting the wearer, and grants extra damage against enemies that currently aren't targeting them.

In addition, whenever the wearer would get hit (either in melee or by a projectile), there is a chance to dodge this attack and emit a circle of blue roses, which can damage and knock back nearby enemies.

Finally, in case the wearer gets hit, there is a high chance that this will trigger a subconscious counterattack: a melee hit may spawn red roses to both sides of the player; while a projectile hit can shoot a laser at the source of the projectile.