Force of Mind (Cerebral Mod)

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Force of Mind
  • Force of Mind item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip25% less life drained while using Esper weapons in Over Psychosis state and immunity to 'Mighty Wind'
Free movement in liquid and Esper projectiles no longer slower in liquid
Enables Psi Dashing
50% increased wings time
Increases telekinetic damage when spending psychosis (and causes explosion after enough build up)
Double tap DOWN to summon a gravity field to suck in enemies
'Blessings of the mind upon the wearer'
RarityRarity level: 11

The Force of Mind is a craftable post-Moon Lord accessory that combines the effects of the Desert Wanderer, Cambrian, Taurus, Wyvern, Lihzahrd Solar, and Gravity Enchantments.


Desert Wanderer Enchantment 25% reduced life drain while using Esper Weapons, immunity to Mighty Wind.
Cambrian Enchantment Effects of Flipper Potion, projectiles from Esper Weapons are no longer effected by water.
Taurus Enchantment Grants a psi dash which consumes 5 psychosis to use.
Wyvern Enchantment 50% increased flight time.
Lihzahrd Solar Enchantment Increases telekinetic damage when spending psychosis (and causes explosion after enough build up).
Gravity Enchantment Press the Set Bonus Activation key to summon a gravity field to suck in enemies.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Force of MindForce of Mind
Cerebral Mod/Crucible of the CosmosCrucible of the Cosmos