Esper (Cerebral Mod)

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The Esper is 1 of the 4 classes added by Cerebral Mod. The main gimmick of this class is that every weapon follows the cursor, in a similar manner to the Magic Missile and Flying Knife. There are several weapon types with varying behaviors that keep to this main gimmick. The weapons of this class deals Telekinetic damage. In terms of armor defense, Esper armor lies in-between magic and summon armors.
This class has plenty of weapons, 6 full armor sets, several accessories, 4 resource potions and 4 buff potions across the entire game from start to post Moon Lord.

Telekinetic Velocity

This stat increases the speed at which telekinetic weapons move while in use. Armors, accessories, and buffs can increase this stat.

Telekinetic Dodge

This stat gives a chance for the player to dodge an attack, much like how the Black Belt works, although calculated separately from that dodge chance. This is not specifically tied to the Esper class and can be useful for non-Espers. It's capped at 25%.


This is the resource used by Espers, in which both the max amount and regeneration rate can be increased. Using a telekinetic weapon after this resource runs out triggers a debuff that rapidly drains life is still using a telekinetic weapon, but also increased telekinetic critical chance by 20%.