Aromatic Shroom (Calamity's Vanities)

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Aromatic Shroom
  • Aromatic Shroom item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipCauses the great fungus crab's Crab Shrooms to become passive, but also enrage upon defeat
Keeps the small fungal crab on your head, even when moving
'Smells like cheese...?'
RarityRarity level: 1
Research1 required

The Aromatic Shroom is an unobtainable item. While in the player's inventory, Swearshrooms will spawn when killing Crabulon's Crab Shrooms. The item will also cause the Clawshroom's Fungal Crab pet to always latch to the player's head.


  • The item's sprite was taken from a scrapped Patreon item for the Calamity Mod.