Demonic Spell Book (Anarchist Mod)

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Demonic Spell Book
  • Demonic Spell Book item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage21 (Occult)
Knockback6 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time21 (Fast)
TooltipConjures a variety of spells using runes as channeling agents
Requires at least one active rune to use
RarityMuted Yellow Rarity (Anarchist Mod).png
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Occult Spell
    Occult Spell (Anarchist Mod).png
Creates Projectile
  • Soul Seeker
    Soul Seeker (Anarchist Mod).png
  • Soul Seeker
    Soul Seeker Rune Icon (Anarchist Mod).png

The Demonic Spell Book is a pre-Hardmode tome that can be created through Transformation. It requires a rune to be used, and different runes alter the attributes of the spell it produces. The Demonic Spell Book has the Soul Seeker rune is built into the weapon, which provides a 1/10 chance for a soul to be released when striking an enemy. The soul will track the user and move toward them, damaging any enemies along the way. When it reaches the user, it will dissipate and heal the user 5 life.

As is the case with all occult weapons, there is no strictly best modifier. Runic, Spellbound, Eldritch, and Gruesome are all good options with varying effects.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Anarchist Mod/Demonic Spell BookDemonic Spell BookAnarchist Mod/Enchanting CrystalTransformation Enchantment
total: 1 row(s)


  • Introduced.

Template:Anarchist Mod/Master Template Weapons