Arcturum (Anarchist Mod)

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  • Arcturum Bar (Anarchist Mod).png

Arcturum is a resource consumed by the player when using certain occult weapons. Of the weapons that use it, they each have a specific arcturum cost that depletes the player's arcturum upon use. When a player's arcturum is depleted completely, tomes and knives cannot be used again until that weapon's arcturum cost has regenerated. While in active spectre mode, a scepter can still be used, depleting the user's arcturum below 0 to a minimum of -50 by default. Through the use of armor, accessories, and other means, this negative arcturum cap can be increased. While arcturum is negative, the player will be inflicted with the Soul Reaping debuff, which causes the afflicted player to lose health over time.

Similar to player Health and Mana, the player's current arcturum supply and capacity are represented by a meter: a bar with a white fill displayed near the top-right of the screen (by default). The bar's length does not change and a completely full bar always represents your maximum arcturum. The bar color will change to red when it is representing negative arcturum. Arcturum regenerates automatically as long as the player is not using an item. It fills more quickly if the player stands still. The arcturum bar will also turn green for 1 second immediately after taking damage and have an increased rate of regeneration during this period.

Each character starts with 50 arcturum capacity and -50 as the negative maximum. Using Arcturum Crystals increases the player's arcturum capacity by 2 permanently. This can be done up to 10 times, which increases the permanent arcturum cap to a total of 70.

Arcturum capacity can be increased further through the use of various armors such as Bronze armor and other occult armor sets, plus Accessories. Enchantments can further boost maximum arcturum as well.

Boost gear

To use occult weapons more often, certain items can increase the maximum arcturum or reduce the cost of weapons that consume arcturum.

Item Maximum arcturum increase Arcturum usage reduction Notes
Anarchist Mod/Emerald ScepterEmerald Scepter 20 (spectre radius) - You will not gain the bonus arcturum for using the scepter yourself unless you have the Band of Arcturus or its upgrades equipped.
Anarchist Mod/Safeguard PotionSafeguard Potion 25 -
Anarchist Mod/Connoisseur PotionConnoisseur Potion - 20% (tomes only)
Anarchist Mod/Acolyte BadgeAcolyte Badge 20 - 5% increased occult damage
Anarchist Mod/Band of ArcturusBand of Arcturus 10 - Summoned spectres provide their positive effects to the caster.
Anarchist Mod/Occult CuffsOccult Cuffs 10 - Restores arcturum when healing through occult methods.
Anarchist Mod/Astriam Arcturus HelmetAstriam Arcturus Helmet 20 - 15% increased spectre radius
Anarchist Mod/Bronze HelmetBronze Helmet 10 5%
Anarchist Mod/Flesh Reaver HoodFlesh Reaver Hood 20 - 7% increased occult damage. (40 increased max life).
Anarchist Mod/Frozen HoodFrozen Hood 15 - 4% increased occult critical strike chance. (60 increased max life).
Anarchist Mod/Nightmare HoodNightmare Hood 20 - 10% increased occult tome damage.
Anarchist Mod/Nightmare Horned HoodNightmare Horned Hood 20 - 10% increased occult spectre damage.
Anarchist Mod/Nightmare VisageNightmare Visage 20 - 10% increased occult blade damage. (30 increased max life).
Anarchist Mod/Runic HoodRunic Hood 15 10% (set bonus) 6% increased occult damage.
Anarchist Mod/Skeletal HoodSkeletal Hood 30 - 4% increased occult critical strike chance. (60 increased max life).
Anarchist Mod/Steel HelmetSteel Helmet 5 - 15% increased occult knockback.
Palladium BreastplatePalladium Breastplate 50 - 15% increased occult damage. 20 (80) increased max life.
Any armor with the Wicked enchantment 10 -

Restoring Arcturum

Arcturum regenerates on its own when not in use until the player's maximum arcturum is reached.

The natural rate of regeneration is modified by whether or not the player is moving and how recently has the player taken damage. This formula exists to reward players for getting up close and personal, despite the Acolyte class' low defense.

Similar to mana, arcturum does not regenerate for a small period after any arcturum has been expended through any means, meaning that to start regenerating arcturum the player must stop using items or using abilities that consume arcturum for a short time. The regeneration cooldown starts the moment the player stops spending arcturum.

To be more specific, the arcturum regeneration has a similar mechanism of mana and health regeneration - there is also an arcturum counter which is increased by an arcturum regeneration rate every tick. When it reaches 90 or more, it would be reduced by 90 and increase arcturum by 1 plus any arcturum regeneration boosts provided by various gear. (So by default, 1 arcturum regeneration rate equals 0.66 arcturum per second).

After consuming arcturum, there is an arcturum regeneration delay, which would be set to 120 ticks. This creates a 2 second delay before any arcturum regeneration can even begin after consuming arcturum in some fashion. After the 2 second delay, a new timer for 90 ticks begins, but this amount is changed by an accumulating factor which decreases the 90 tick time before arcturum regenerates by 11.25% per second, to a maximum. This means after 1 second of arcturum regeneration it will take only 80 ticks to regenerate, after 5 seconds it will only take 40 ticks, to a maximum rate of 5 ticks. It takes 8.46 seconds of uninterrupted arcturum regeneration to reach the maximum natural arcturum regeneration rate. This rate is slowed from 11.25% per second to 9% per second if the player is not stood still.

Arcturum can also be restored manually by hitting enemies with an occult scythe weapon. These weapons require no arcturum to use, but have a low reach. This creates a risk versus reward situation where players can risk taking damage for a large jump in arcturum regeneration. Along with the temporary immunity to damage that lunging with these weapons can provide, they are an effective tool to restoring arcturum. The Occult Cuffs can also be used to manually restore arcturum when you use occult methods to restore health.

Item Instant arcturum restoration Notes
Anarchist Mod/Arcturum CrystalArcturum Crystal 2 Also increases maximum arcturum by 2. Can be used a maximum of 10 times on a single character (until a permanent maximum of 70 is reached).
Anarchist Mod/Occult CuffsOccult Cuffs - While equipped, increases max arcturum by 10 and restores arcturum when healing via occult methods.
Anarchist Mod/Aero SlicerAero Slicer 5 (4-6) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Astral ArcturumAstral Arcturum 4 (3-5) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Crescent ReaperCrescent Reaper 5.5 (4-7) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Darkwood ReaperDarkwood Reaper 3 (2-4) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Flesh WrencherFlesh Wrencher 6 (4-8) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/GraverenderGraverender 6.5 (4-9) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Hell ReaperHell Reaper 6.5 (5-8) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/MalumMalum 4.5 (2-9) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Mandible ScytheMandible Scythe 4.5 (3-6) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Nice Ice ScytheNice Ice Scythe 5.5 (5-6) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Obsidian WarmongerObsidian Warmonger 4.5 (4-5) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Tail SlasherTail Slasher 5.5 (4-7) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Tangle VineTangle Vine 4 (2-6) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Terrus SlasherTerrus Slasher 4 (1-7) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Unholy PurgatoryUnholy Purgatory 5.5 (3-8) Instant arcturum restoration is doubled when lunging.
Anarchist Mod/Sacrificial DaggerSacrificial Dagger - While equipped, scythe lunges create blade beams that can restore arcturum.
Nightmare armor Visage (Anarchist Mod).png Nightmare armor (Visage) - The set bonus allows scythe lunges to create seeking shadow beams that can restore arcturum.


  • Arcturum-restoring effects will not exceed the player's maximum arcturum and any arcturum restoration beyond the maximum is lost.
  • It is generally more worthwhile to focus on equipment that reduces arcturum cost instead of increasing maximum arcturum, especially if using weapons with a low arcturum cost.
  • Maximum arcturum has no cap, and can be increased as far as a player can achieve using all available methods.