Enchanting (Anarchist Mod)

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Enchanting Crystal
  • Enchanting Crystal item sprite

Enchanting is a game mechanic added by the Anarchist Mod. It is used to apply enchantments to gear, as well as transforming certain items into more powerful versions of themselves or entirely new items. Although enchanting is a magical ability, it requires no mana to perform.

Enchanting requires an Enchanting Crystal in order to be performed. The Enchanting Crystal can be purchased from the Warlock for 75. Right-clicking the placed Enchanting Crystal will open a user interface with three slots to place items in. The slots will be labeled to show which type of items should be placed in them.

Weapons, armor, and tools are all accepted to be enchanted. Given the items meet other secondary criteria of course. All items must not be accessories, must stack to 1, and must not be consumable. Weapons must deal melee, ranged, magic, summon, or occult damage and not be an ammo or occult rune item. Tools can include pickaxes, axes, hammers, and fishing poles. Armor has to be an equipable item that is not an accessory and not a vanity item.


Enchantments are generally positive bonuses that can be applied to your gear. They can increase certain stats or apply special abilities to the item. When an item has an enchantment on it, the item will be displayed with a shine effect behind the item's sprite. The name and description of the enchantment will also be displayed below the item's name in a light blue (#68F5F5 ●) color. In order for an item to be enchanted it must be placed in the top most slot of the GUI. When a correct combination of influential items and channeling sigils is placed in the other slots, an item can have an enchantment applied to it.

Enchantments can also be found on items that generate naturally in chests. When generating a world, any items that are contained in chests that meet the criteria for enchanting have a 1/4 (25%) chance of being randomly enchanted.

Treasure Enchantments

Some enchantments can only be found on Enchanted Tomes. Treasure enchantments cannot be applied to items through the traditional means. They have no influences that result in applying them. The only way they can be applied is through world generated enchantments or by finding enchanted tomes with them on them.


There are a few minor curses that can also be applied to items. Curses are strictly negative effects that are applied to items through one of two ways. Items that naturally generate have a chance to be cursed, and in the process of enchanting an item, the enchantment can randomly fail and give a curse instead of the desired enchantment. Curses are displayed in the same place as normal enchantments but in a bright red (#FF0000 ●) color.


Various items found throughout the world will be labeled with the 'Influential' tag. This means that there is some sort of enchantment recipe tied to that item. If placed in the middle slot of the GUI with a correct combination of other items, it will result in a specific enchantment being applied to the item, or possibly transforming the original item. Influential items are consumed upon a successful combination of items. There are many different items that can influence enchantments.

  • Item name Result Description Accepted item types Chance
    10% increased damage to organic foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Bone FragmentsBone Fragments
    10% increased damage to undead foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Iron BarIron Bar
    10% increased damage to inorganic foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Lead BarLead Bar
    10% increased damage to inorganic foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    10% increased damage to gelatine foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    10% increased damage to ethereal foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Soul of LightSoul of Light
    10% increased damage to dark foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Soul of NightSoul of Night
    10% increased damage to light foes Weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Prismite CrystalPrismite Crystal
    5% increased damage Melee weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Prismite CrystalPrismite Crystal
    5% increased damage Magic and summon weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Prismite CrystalPrismite Crystal
    High Caliber
    5% increased damage Ranged weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Prismite CrystalPrismite Crystal
    5% increased damage Occult weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/MagmastoneMagmastone
    Attacks will inflict On Fire Magic weapons
    25*1/4 (25%)
    Reduced mana cost by 10% Magic weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/GunpowderGunpowder
    Critical Synergy
    Critical strikes deal x4 damage instead of x2 but critical strike boosts are 25% less effective Magic weapons
    25*1/4 (25%)
    Anarchist Mod/Ice CrystalIce Crystal
    Cold Front
    Attacks will inflict Frostburn Summon weapons
    50*1/2 (50%)
    Anarchist Mod/Spider ClawSpider Claw
    Increases crit rate by 2% Summon weapons
    50*1/2 (50%)
    Attacks will send out a bolt that will chain through enemies Summon weapons
    10*1/10 (10%)
    Shadow ScaleShadow Scale
    Shadow Strike
    Attacks will inflict Shadowflame Occult weapons
    25*1/4 (25%)
    Anarchist Mod/Blood SampleBlood Sample
    Reduced arcturum cost by 10% Occult weapons
    50*1/2 (50%)
    Anarchist Mod/Soul CrystalSoul Crystal
    Occult strikes will sap your life but deal significantly more damage Occult weapons
    100*1/1 (100%)
    Attacks will inflict Poisoned Ranged weapons
    50*1/2 (50%)
    Right Click to zoom out Ranged weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Deals 20% extra damage at longer distances Ranged weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Attacks will inflict Acid Venom Melee weapons
    25*1/4 (25%)
    Fallen StarFallen Star
    Attacks have a chance to summon a falling star Melee weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/SteelstoneSteelstone
    While held, this weapon will provide 50% bonus defense at the cost of a 25% damage penalty Melee weapons
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Gold BarGold Bar / Platinum BarPlatinum Bar
    15% increased defense, minimum of 1 Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Spider ClawSpider Claw / Worm ToothWorm Tooth
    Enemies take contact damage from you Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Fire Resistance
    Provides 5 seconds of lava immunity Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Blood SampleBlood Sample
    Increased life regeneration Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Mana CrystalMana Crystal
    20 increased max mana Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Provides a small amount of light Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Shadow ScaleShadow Scale
    Reduces damage taken by 2% Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Tissue SampleTissue Sample
    2% increased damage Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Fallen StarFallen Star
    Reduces damage taken by 4% in evil biomes or the Underworld Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Empty RuneEmpty Rune
    10 increased max arcturum Armor
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Spelunker GlowstickSpelunker Glowstick
    Golden Eyes
    Allows you to see treasure Helmets
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Undead SoulUndead Soul
    Soul Drain
    Being near enemies will damage them and regenerate your arcturum Breastplates
    35*7/20 (35%)
    Provides immunity to knockback Breastplates
    10*1/10 (10%)
    Swiftness PotionSwiftness Potion
    Grants the ability to run super fast Greaves
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Provides immunity to fall damage Greaves
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Antlion MandibleAntlion Mandible
    Increased tool speed by 25% Tools
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Increased tile reach by 4 Tools
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Gold OreGold Ore / Platinum OrePlatinum Ore
    Increased tool speed by 15% and tile reach by 2 Tools
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Increased fishing power by 20% Fishing Poles
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    High Test
    Fishing line will never break Fishing Poles
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    An extra line will be cast out Fishing Poles
    30*3/10 (30%)
    Increased fishing power by 30% when in the rain Fishing Poles
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Moon DustMoon Dust
    Increased fishing power by 30% during the night Fishing Poles
    66.67*2/3 (66.67%)
    Anarchist Mod/Essence of EternityEssence of Eternity
    This item will not be consumed on use Boss/Event Summons
    100*1/1 (100%)
  • Transformation Enchantments

    Certain items can be transformed into completely new items through the use of the Enchanting Crystal. Just like normal enchanting, a channeling sigil is required for transforming items. Certain recipes may require specific types of channeling sigils, but generally any is accepted. Some transformations are also locked behind boss progression. These transformations will fail unless specific criteria has been met, such as defeating a specific boss.

    Not all transformations require an influence item. Some just need the magic of the Enchanting Crystal and channeling sigil. For instance, Books can be transformed into Spell Tomes without an influence. Transformations are generally a lot more simple and easier to understand than standard enchantments. This is primarily because transformations have built in support for the Guide NPC and the Recipe Browser mod. Any transformation recipe will detail its primary item, influence item, and if it requires a specific channeling sigil. Each recipe in the Guide's GUI or Recipe Browser will include a phantom item called Transformation Enchantment that is NOT required to perform the transformation. It is simply a place to detail that the recipe is used for transformation, and not regular crafting.