Boss Trophies (Aequus)

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Boss Trophies
  • Crabson Trophy (Aequus).png Omega Starite Trophy (Aequus).png Red Sprite Trophy (Aequus).png Space Squid Trophy (Aequus).png
Dimensions3 × 3
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 1
Research1 required
Not to be confused with relics, which are Master Mode-exclusive items, or golf trophies, which are decorative furniture items purchased from the Golfer.
All placed trophies

Trophies are decorative furniture items which usually have a 10*1/10 (10%) chance to be dropped from most bosses; however defeating the boss Flawlessly will also guarantee a trophy drop. While they can be considered the "boss version of banners", they are purely cosmetic and do not provide any bonuses. In total, Aequus adds 6 trophies .





  • A majority of the trophies represent a part of the Boss mounted on a Weapon Rack.
    • The Crabson's trophy is a brown crab claw, which does not resemble anything on Crabson.
    • The Ultra Starite's trophy is one of its purple arms.
    • The Omega Starite's trophy is a segment of its orange star face.
    • The Red Sprite's trophy is one of its hands.
    • The Space Squid's trophy is one of its tentacles cut off; however Space Squid is not killed when defeated, making the tentacle trophy make no sense.
    • The Dust Devil's trophy is shows two different colored forces swirling together until they meet.