Starlite Arrow (Veridian Mod)

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Starlite Arrow
  • Starlite Arrow item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Damage10 (Ranged)
Knockback2.3 (Very weak)
Velocity0.75 (1 extra)
TooltipSummons extra stars from the sky
RarityRarity level: 2
Creates Projectile
  • Starlite Arrow
    Starlite Arrow (proj) (Veridian Mod).png
Creates Projectile
  • Starlite Star
    Starlite Star (proj) (Veridian Mod).png

Starlite Arrows are pre-Hardmode arrows crafted with Wooden Arrows and Starlite, which sometimes spawn extra star projectiles upon damaging an enemy. They emit light and are unaffected by gravity.


ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Veridian Mod/Starlite ArrowStarlite Arrow (70)Sky Mill Sky Mill
total: 1 row(s)


  • The starlite stars have a 2/3 chance to spawn.
  • The stars deal 50% of the player's base damage and can pass through platforms.
  • The stars spawn a rather short distance away from the point of impact, making moving targets more likely to be hit. Despite this, speedier enemies may still dodge the star strikes.
  • These can be considered the pre-Hardmode version of Holy Arrows due to their similar behaviour. However, unlike Holy Arrows, these only spawn one projectile and must strike an enemy to do so.