User:PhantomX50/Mod Progression Guide

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Mod Progression Guide

This guide will assume you are playing mostly or entirely with the Hunter class.


Initial spawn

Very similar to early pre-hardmode in vanilla Terraria. You'll want to make some houses for NPCs and explore the Underground to get ores and heart pieces. If you find any Chozo Statues, you'll want to smash them for the Chozite Ore inside. There are very few Hunter weapons available at this stage, but the Copper Paralyzer is an option. If you're allowing non-Hunter weapons, the Chozite Crossbow is very strong at this stage, and can be easily made by smashing all the statues in the Chozo Ruins.

Goal: Iron Armor and 200 health


Main article: Metroid Mod/Torizo

Torizo is fightable by going to the end of the Chozo Ruins and approaching the dormant Chozo Statue at the end of the final room. The accessories found in the ruins will help you avoid its attacks and jump over the Torizo. Alternatively, the Morph Ball can be used to roll under the Torizo's legs.

For weapons, the Chozite Crossbow along with Fire Arrows are more than enough to put the boss away. If you're dead-set on using Hunter weapons though, only the Copper Paralyzer is available, so prepare for a long fight and focus on attacking the Torizo body to prevent its manic second phase. With Torizo defeated, the Chozite Armor and Arm Cannon are available. Prioritize the Arm Cannon if you need to refight the boss for more Chozite Ore or Energy Shards. The Charge Beam addon is also available to craft with Chozite Bars, a Mana Star and two Fallen Stars. Finally, the Hi-Jump Boots can be crafted, which is a useful addition to your mobility and can be upgraded later.

A good side note to make: at this point you should have access to plenty of Chozite Bars. Consider adding a Drill and Spider Ball to your Morph Ball to greatly increase your spelunking efficiency. Also, Missile Stations and Energy Stations can be considered for crafting as they can help you return to full strength between spelunking attempts or fights.

Goal: Arm Cannon, Chozite Armor, Charge Beam, ~3 Missile Expansions

Eye of Cthulhu

Next boss to target is the Eye of Cthulhu, who should be ready to spawn naturally around this time anyways. With a standard long platform and good kiting the eye should not be too much of a struggle. At this point in the game your Arm Cannon is quite weak, so try to make use of your Missile Launcher to deal damage at this point. The Servants of Cthulhu can be killed for Missile pickups, just be careful at the end of the fight when the Eye stops spawning them. Good buffs and plenty of time for the fight should give you the ability to come out on top.

The most useful thing from the Eye is its evil ore drops. This can be used to craft the Wave Beam, the next addon for your Arm Cannon Power Beam. Focus on spelunking for max hearts and more Missile Expansions. If you're lucky enough to find any Energy Tanks, save them.

Goal: >300 Health, ~10 Missile Expansions, Wave Beam

World Evil Boss

Wave beam is amazing at dealing with the Eater of Worlds if you have the Corruption, as the worm will spend most of the fight buried. There, charged Wave Beam shots can do serious damage to the body parts, but head or tail segments are almost instantly destroyed. For this reasoning, fighting the worm underground is strongly advised. Missiles will do massive area of effect damage when it unearths itself to attack, damaging multiple segments at once. Splitting the worm is always dangerous, however, so firing without thinking can quickly cause you to be overwhelmed by multiple smaller worms constantly attacking. Good discipline will take you to the end here.

If you have the Brain, missiles are your friend. The highly clumped Creepers should take massive damage from them, quickly taking you to phase two of the fight. The beam attack is low knockback, but fast firing can keep the Brain at bay. If you're especially struggling at this point you could consider taking off the Charge Beam to allow the Arm Cannon to fire beams at the max rate by just holding Use / Attack if you think it will prove more useful. Missiles still excel at keeping the Brain away while doing significant damage. If you have enough from the Creepers you could easily let the Brain come to you as you fire at it until it dies. In Expert mode, keep in mind the Brain will start creating hallucinations that will confuse you.

Whichever boss you defeat, the unique drop from the evil boss will allow you to craft Energy Tanks, giving you access to the Power Suit, your final armor set for the playthrough. Giving yourself a few extra tanks for the armor as well as for crafting will be useful, but note you can only use 4 Tanks with the base Power Suit.

Getting an X Ray Scope will vastly increase your ability to find expansions, Chozo Statues, ores and anything else while spelunking. Find a Glowing Mushroom Biome and get 30 Spelunker Potions.

Goal: Power Suit, 400 Health, ~15 Missile Expansions, Evil Pickaxe

Queen Bee

Next addon we want is the Spazer Beam which needs Bee Wax, meaning the next boss is the Queen Bee. A word of caution while moving through the jungle: the Wave Beam is able to shoot through walls, meaning if you're not careful you can accidentally destroy a Bee Larva and start the fight before you're prepared. If you see a hive, aim carefully.

Vanilla arena works fine for the fight, you can expand a hive with bombs and add platforms to make a quick arena. Queen Bee will commonly spawn bee enemies which can give you a steady supply of missile pickups. Keep launching missiles at the Queen and she will go down in time.

After the fight, get enough jungle materials to craft your Spazer Beam. The jungle is also a good place to try to enter the Underworld for the first time, which will be needed to get the Varia Suit as well as your Speed Booster after defeating Serris later on.

Goal: Spazer Beam, Varia Suit (6 Energy Tank capacity)


A large platform arena will make the fight much easier. Your Arm Cannon should start dealing good damage at this point